
08-01-24: Book release day confirmed!!!

Yes…things moving rapidly, now. My debut novel, JASON, has an official release date – 25th January 2024. Both the publicity department of the publisher and myself are working full tilt on all the associated promotion to make sure the book launch is as successful as it can be. Oh…there is now, also a pre-order link: […]

08-01-24: Book release day confirmed!!! Read More »

12-08-23: When 2 becomes 3…

Thousand, that is… Yes, I just clicked past 3,000 followers on Twitter (or is it ‘X’, now!?). Seems like only a month ago I was reporting 2,000, and that’s because…it is. My followers are really growing at a rate of around 1,000 per month. This equates to a phenomenal follower increase in the timescale. Some

12-08-23: When 2 becomes 3… Read More »

14-02-23: Happy Hearts day!

Greetings to Valentines, everywhere. If only I wrote romance novels!! It’s not easy to have a romantic element in the manuscript when one protagonist is killing folks and the other is trying to catch him. Ahh well… I was speaking on Twitter last week about writing in more than one genre. Someone asked if anyone

14-02-23: Happy Hearts day! Read More »