
Books category

12-02-25: And so it begins…again!

‘The Help’ is finished and in the publishing process, so my mind turns to…. …the next one! After much deliberation, I am progressing ‘The Botanist’s Wife’, my murder mystery set in the world of secret laboratories, genetic warfare and the terrifying revenge of the meek lab technician. Warfare by plants? Well, there are some pretty […]

12-02-25: And so it begins…again! Read More »

26-7-24: Full steam ahead for ‘The Help’

Part of the reason for not writing for many weeks was that I was sick, but also, I had come to a stop while trying to think of new ways to kill the remaining victims. After the horrific multi-death event for victims 6, 7 and 8 (+ one wife) I was ‘burnt out’ with murderin’

26-7-24: Full steam ahead for ‘The Help’ Read More »

25-7-24: Oooh…those pesky distractions!!

As you know, I have been sick (I still am), and as a result, I have not been writing. At all. Recently though, I again started considering making progress with the help. I have to decide how the next victim is killed, after the mega-chapter where three Merriman family men (and one woman) all died

25-7-24: Oooh…those pesky distractions!! Read More »

11-7-24: Why I have not been online….

So…some may have noticed I have not posted for a month. I have not stopped or given up. I have been seriously ill with a bad bacterial infection. It really laid me up and I STILL have not recovered. 3 hospital visits and a ton of powerful meds and I have turned the corner but

11-7-24: Why I have not been online…. Read More »