
05-02-23: Its a waiting game…

I completed the review of the developmental edit and proofreading. I generated 6 pages of comment. I sent it all back, and… …nothing. No comment back. No acknowledgement. Ahh well… this is obviously how it is! While I wait to see if my returned comments are incorporated into the final version, and before we get […]

05-02-23: Its a waiting game… Read More »

01-01-23: Happy New Year – will this be the year!?

Of course, not much is happening with the Publisher. They are all on the Christmas break, back on January 3rd. When you want something over this time, it seems like the wait is forever! I remember being on the other side of the fence, though – enjoying the long Christmas and New Year break which

01-01-23: Happy New Year – will this be the year!? Read More »