
Books category

12-08-23: When 2 becomes 3…

Thousand, that is… Yes, I just clicked past 3,000 followers on Twitter (or is it ‘X’, now!?). Seems like only a month ago I was reporting 2,000, and that’s because…it is. My followers are really growing at a rate of around 1,000 per month. This equates to a phenomenal follower increase in the timescale. Some […]

12-08-23: When 2 becomes 3… Read More »

08-08-23: Calling Mark Laverack! WTF are you!?

…I’m here! OK it has been a very long time since the last post…sorry ’bout that! I have been suffering with Dengue Fever – it really laid me up with no outside activity, no writing, either for ‘The Help’ or this blog, and no ‘JASON’ book pushing to get the cover sorted out and get

08-08-23: Calling Mark Laverack! WTF are you!? Read More »

09-05-23: So close…

…to 1,000. Huh? 1,000 what? Twitter. So close to 1,000 followers! Considering that, 1 month ago, I only had 9 followers, I’m a bit overwhelmed. Some big names amongst those authors that are following me. I’m hoping this kicks on now towards 2,000..3,000…5,000..who knows!? Some Twitter authors have 20 or 30k of followers and more.

09-05-23: So close… Read More »

30-04-23: Wow…20 days went past…

its amazing how the time slips past, eh?! 20 day since my last post, mainly because I have been busy. No…I cannot blame everything on distractions. We had a friend from UK come to stay – twice, in the month and while here , amongst other things, he assisted in the fabrication of cabinets for

30-04-23: Wow…20 days went past… Read More »