
08-08-23: Calling Mark Laverack! WTF are you!?

…I’m here! OK it has been a very long time since the last post…sorry ’bout that! I have been suffering with Dengue Fever – it really laid me up with no outside activity, no writing, either for ‘The Help’ or this blog, and no ‘JASON’ book pushing to get the cover sorted out and get […]

08-08-23: Calling Mark Laverack! WTF are you!? Read More »

28-06-23: Distractions…Mission Lasagne!!

Interestingly, I had a couple of requests on Twitter for the Lasagne recipe and it would take too long to post it there with the word count limit, so…errr…here it is! Simple Lasagne IngredientsPasta sheetsMinced meat – your choiceFinely diced onions (1 onion)Tomato puree (In the tin, or blend up fresh tomatoes). About 50% of

28-06-23: Distractions…Mission Lasagne!! Read More »

30-04-23: Wow…20 days went past…

its amazing how the time slips past, eh?! 20 day since my last post, mainly because I have been busy. No…I cannot blame everything on distractions. We had a friend from UK come to stay – twice, in the month and while here , amongst other things, he assisted in the fabrication of cabinets for

30-04-23: Wow…20 days went past… Read More »

10-04-23: Progress on ‘The Help’

So…as I have mentioned in the newsletter, I took quite some time to ‘get going’ with the follow up novel. All the various factors conspired to slow me down, but finally, there is progress. I have written 90% of the ending. I have completely written the 1st murder, and am about half-way through the second

10-04-23: Progress on ‘The Help’ Read More »

28-03-23: Murder…he completed!

Well…. what i started, I have now finished! Wow! That took a lot longer than I thought it would. It’s the research that takes the time but imagine writing something and publishing it, only to be told by some eagle-eyed reader that that was ‘impossible’ or inaccurate! No it has to be checked properly So…one

28-03-23: Murder…he completed! Read More »