
07-12-22: This publishing process has a lot of gaps in the outward action!

Clearly there is ‘stuff going on.’ The developmental editing and the cover design, However, it is at that stage where the publishing house are doing their thing and I am not really involved in this part of the process, at the moment. Therefore, I find myself glancing at the inbox throughout the ay, hoping for […]

07-12-22: This publishing process has a lot of gaps in the outward action! Read More »

19-10-22: Manuscript minor changes / Hybrid publishing cost comparison.

There are some minor changes to make to the manuscript, mainly involving the police and detective team hierarchy. I am working on that today as the publisher will not begin looking critically at my book until I confirm the final version with all the changes. I got the first invoice today for 1/10th of the

19-10-22: Manuscript minor changes / Hybrid publishing cost comparison. Read More »

16-10-22: Types of publishing.

Right, info time. This is a hybrid contract. For those who don’t know, it’s like a halfway house between self-publishing and a traditional contract. There are advantages and disadvantages to all three types of publishing so let’s take a look. Self-publishing you have all the control…but you have to do ALL the work. Editing, proofreading,

16-10-22: Types of publishing. Read More »