
09-05-23: So close…

…to 1,000. Huh? 1,000 what? Twitter. So close to 1,000 followers! Considering that, 1 month ago, I only had 9 followers, I’m a bit overwhelmed. Some big names amongst those authors that are following me. I’m hoping this kicks on now towards 2,000..3,000…5,000..who knows!? Some Twitter authors have 20 or 30k of followers and more. […]

09-05-23: So close… Read More »

30-04-23: Wow…20 days went past…

its amazing how the time slips past, eh?! 20 day since my last post, mainly because I have been busy. No…I cannot blame everything on distractions. We had a friend from UK come to stay – twice, in the month and while here , amongst other things, he assisted in the fabrication of cabinets for

30-04-23: Wow…20 days went past… Read More »

14-02-23: Happy Hearts day!

Greetings to Valentines, everywhere. If only I wrote romance novels!! It’s not easy to have a romantic element in the manuscript when one protagonist is killing folks and the other is trying to catch him. Ahh well… I was speaking on Twitter last week about writing in more than one genre. Someone asked if anyone

14-02-23: Happy Hearts day! Read More »

05-02-23: Its a waiting game…

I completed the review of the developmental edit and proofreading. I generated 6 pages of comment. I sent it all back, and… …nothing. No comment back. No acknowledgement. Ahh well… this is obviously how it is! While I wait to see if my returned comments are incorporated into the final version, and before we get

05-02-23: Its a waiting game… Read More »

23-01-23: Out with the old and in with the new…

After finishing the Edited manuscript review, I had a day away from writing altogether. My renewed passport was ready for collection in BKK. This is actually an epic to collect. A long drive and then at the end, a stressful drive in Bangkok centre. Then trying to remember where the building is (GPS last time

23-01-23: Out with the old and in with the new… Read More »